College Planning Specialists

March 3, 2009

November 26, 2008

Money For College But How: Dan Evertsz Bay Area College Planners Interview Pt. 1

Dan Evertsz owner of has the answer to the difficult question parents and students face when considering the expense of a college education: “How do we find the money for college?” The following is an introduction to Dan and his business in the form of a television interview on the Comcast show “Reference Point” with host Dave Korcharhook. If you are having trouble qualifying for student aid, finding funding for an education, or if you are in need of consultation about these expenses please consider Dan Evertsz your go-to source for action:

September 24, 2008

Emily Chang: Your Resource To New Applications in Web 2.0 World

If you are a college or high school student reading this post you better get with one major reality that is beginning to shape the world you will be job hunting in soon: Web 2.0 information is critical to your career. Your job as a student is to learn and become knowledgeable in your major.

Your job as a smart student is to begin branding “You” long before you leave college. If you are not writing a blog you should be right now. If you don’t feel you have the time or discipline, then you should be creating a profile (rich version of an advertisement or resume) and placing it on the major Web 2.0 niche sites and social sites.

Research Tool

Emily Chang, MIT graduate, award-winning web and interaction designer, technology strategist and co-founder of Ideacodes, a design and web consultancy in San Francisco has a very cool tool for you to keep up with new applications: ./emilychang eHub. This tool announces new Web 2.0 applications and provides a short description as well as reviews.

Feed Reader For App News

This site acts like a feed reader of constant news about the latest and greatest applications to come out of the minds of entrepreneurs. Why is site important:

1. Great content ideas

2. Great tools to help you in your business

3. Features and Reviews

4. Cutting edge and timely information

5. Interviews with entrepreneurs and industry superstars

6. Submit a Site allows you to send your site or your favorite new tool for exposure

7. Tech Events and News

Follow Emily on twitter

profile image twittering: finishing up a style guide. it’s cool to be working with someone again that i worked with ten years ago.

September 18, 2008 Student Review Site Makes Choosing University That Much Easier is a brilliant yet simple concept: poll thousands of college students on their universities. Have these students provide reviews and reports about everything the University has to offer. Describe academic and living conditions. Create audio and video resources; and package it all together so parents, students, and entrepreneurs can learn more about the institutions

Realtor’s Tool

If you have a great University or a concentration of great Universities within the region you sell you must consider this a strong selling point in real estate. Find, Review, Explore

Find: this is a rich search system that can pinpoint nearly every major university in the land

Review: this allows you to rate your university adding information for others to consider

Explore: this section aggregates all the information for your investigation. Sections include College Reviews; Video; Photos; Documents; and student Profiles

Unconvinced? About Us Document:

“Unigo is the world’s largest platform for college students to share reviews, photos, videos, documents, and more with students on their campus and across the country.

It’s also the best place for high school students to find out what life is really like at America’s colleges, and to make friends to help them find the school that’s right for them.

Unigo is the result of a nationwide grassroots movement to get the truth out about college life, and it’s growing bigger every day. Want to join?”

September 10, 2008 Students “Yelp” Like Evaluations Strike Back

Well it is at least 25 years to late for me but it is about time professors have something to worry about other than their summer vacation destinations. provides students the opportunity, ala Yelp, to rate their professor’s performance in the classroom. Justice? Well isn’t it about time that students, who suffer from so many poor evaluations by unqualified professors, have a hammer to hit back with on this important subject? Facts

1. 6,000 Schools

2. 1,000,000 Professors

3. 6,000,000 Opinions

4. Top 50 Professors list

5. Facebook Partnership here

6. Professors Strike Back aka Whine

7. 6,800,000 Student Generated Ratings

8. List of Highest Rated Faculties

9. List of Hottest Professors

10. List of Standout Professors

September 5, 2008

Profiles On Social Media Networking Sites Are The New Employment Channel

As students you should be joining social media networking sites and directories. The biggest reason is that you want your writing to populate the top ten spots on a page one search for your surname. When you begin interviewing with employers, the best strategy (if you do not intend on blogging) is to place your “resume” into a profile on each powerful social media networking sites. In some cases, employment sites will scrape this information and make it available to their clients. Be ready by posting your “resume” as often as possible.

In a fantastic article on online reputation management “50+ Sites To Help You Bury Negative Posts About You or Your Company” Jeff Quipp states: “Keep in mind, most people never go beyond the first page of search results.”

Jeff’s strategy is to “build a profile on various sites.  .  .  most important is that the profile name should be the exact term phrase that any negative piece of information is ranking for in the search engines.”

50 Sites To Help You Defend Your Online Reputation

1. Digg
2. LinkedIn
3. Twitter
4. Stumbleupon
5. Facebook
6. Propeller
7. Magnolia
8. Jaiku
9. Simpy
10. Technorati
11. coRank
12. YouTube
13. BlogCatalog
14. Zimbio
15. HubPages
16. Reddit
18. BlogMad
19. Curbly
20. Flickr
21. PublicBlend
22. Bumpzee
23. Pownce
24. ViewZoo
25. PeekYou
27. Connotea
28. BlinkList
29. BlogFlux
31. Plime
32. MyBlogLog
34. DotNetKicks
35. Diigo
36. CoComment
37. LiveJournal
38. Faves
39. Indianpad
41. MySpace
42. Mixx
43. ZiiTrend
44. FriendFeed
45. MetaCafe
47. ZippyVideos
49. Kirtsy
50. Photobucket
51. Deals
52. Agentb
53. BlogSpot
54. HuffingtonPost

August 18, 2008

The #1 Mistake In Business Networking Is The Hardsell

“The #1 biggest mistake people make when networking is the Hard Sell” –Dean Guadagni

Today a question came up in Susan Hanshaw’s career and transition workshop presented to the Marin Professionals Association in San Rafael, California. It was one of the biggest questions on everyone’s mind:

“What’s the best way to network?”

Before we examine the best method(s) to network and how to define networking, let’s identify the #1 biggest mistake people make when networking: The Hard Sell

Networking is not:

  1. Selling yourself, your products, or your services
  2. Not purging your 15-30 second elevator pitch
  3. “Working the Room” to gather as many business cards as possible in one session
  4. Soliciting advice from people you yet to know
  5. Begging for introductions to other people
  6. Turning off your ears and listening skills
  7. Monopolizing everyone’s time with your sales pitch
  8. Ignoring the networking organization’s message, niche, and membership
  9. Ignoring your homework to find out who you wish to meet at the meeting you plan to attend
  10. Asking for value before offering value yourself

Stay tuned next week when I define networking and identify the #1 Best Method to Networking.

August 13, 2008

Forget Facebook Impress Your Future Employer And Network With Linkedin Now

Facebook is a fine toy if you are in college-it’s the serious version of myspace. But what is that going to get you when you graduate and you are looking for a job? Answer: connections other college grads who are also looking for a job.

Get Serious With Linkedin

College students will do themselves a huge favor in the fight for employment, if they join and strategically network into the business community.

Advantages of Linkedin

1. Initiative: Introduce yourself to the business community as a soon to be new talent in the job market

2. Job Listings: many fantastic opportunities are posted on Linkedin and nowhere else. This is a powerful job search tool

3. Q&A: this section allow people to ask questions or provide answers. Asking a solid question will bring numerous responses which opens the doors to new connections. Answering a question is the opportunity to show your expertise and knowledge in a way that could impress the right hiring manager or HR director

What does Linkedin really mean to you and your search for employment ? According to Linkedin the following:

1. Control Your Professional Brand- show case skills and talents via your profile and Answer section

2. Network and Reconnect- 24 million members strong, an excuse to call on an old friend or business connection

3. Share Your Knowledge- and Expertise: allows you to show case your talents, gain exposure, or find answers

4. Receive Opportunities- it could be a job offer, consulting assignment, or appearance opportunity

What Makes Linkedin Serious Business?

All the ways to connect and utilize this tool for so many different people and tasks

1. New Users Guide Users manual with powerful strategies
2. Job Seekers Tips for landing a dream job along with ideas on how to market and brand “you”
3. Entrepreneurs: tap into experienced professionals and answer critical questions
4. Attorneys: Manage reputation, demonstrate knowledge and expertise, create client base
5. Business Development: Foster partnerships, look for opportunities, find new channels
6. Consultants: Demonstrate expertise while building your business
7. Journalists: Resources to news and inside information a vast resource for writers
8. Non Profits: Bring awareness of your cause and find the right resources
9. Venture Capital: Opportunities and Ideas come to you with connectivity

July 31, 2008

Lifehack’s Dustin Wax: 10 Skills You Need To Succeed At Almost Anything

Dustin Wax of Lifehack

Dustin Wax is a fantastic writer and somebody every college student should investigate. The following list is Dustin’s skill set for succeeding in almost anything in life. I provided my own list which is very close to Dustin’s content. What is most important for you, while preparing for life after college, is to become an expert at #1, #2, #4, and #8 on Dustin’s list. In fact being able to speak in public and write well are the two biggest skills employers are looking for in a job candidate. The problem? Those same employers rarely tell you that is what they want in a new hire.

10 Skills You Need To Succeed at Almost Anything according to Dustin Wax

1. Public Speaking

2. Writing

3. Self Management

4. Networking

5. Critical Thinking

6. Decision Making

7. Math

8. Research

9. Relaxation

10. Basic Accounting

10 Skills You Need To Succeed at Almost Anything according to Dean

1. Writing

2. Public Speaking

3. Timing

4. Networking

5. Listening

6. Research

7. Brainstorming

8. Giving

9. Time Management

10. Athletics

July 23, 2008

Student’s Real World Opportunity To Understand The Green Movement: Van Jones Green Ecomomy Powerhouse In San Francisco

Van Jones Headshot

Van Jones

Students looking for employment and career opportunities in new trend markets look no farther than the Green Movement for new opportunities. This emerging niche industry will be one of the biggest growth industries now and into the future. If you want to see one of the biggest movers and shakers in the Green Movement then consider spending the money to see Van Jones speak–this is your opportunity to begin your real world “green” education.

Van Jones is one of the most powerful men in the drive to bring economic relief and prosperity to inner city citizens through the new opportunities growing out of the green movement.

Green for All founder Van Jones and California State Senator Darrell Steinberg team up with the Commonwealth Club of California’s INFORUM division to present “Who’s Building The New Green Economy?” This discussion is characterized as a “timely discussion about the intersection of environment and economy.”

Real Estate Professionals and Affiliates

For any mortgage broker, Realtor, broker, builder, or construction affiliates this discussion will shed light on where the profits are going, the funding is being spent, and the niches that are being created.


The Commonwealth Club,, 595 Market Street, San Francisco

Date and Time

Thursday July 24, 2008 6:00pm

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