College Planning Specialists

August 18, 2008

The #1 Mistake In Business Networking Is The Hardsell

“The #1 biggest mistake people make when networking is the Hard Sell” –Dean Guadagni

Today a question came up in Susan Hanshaw’s career and transition workshop presented to the Marin Professionals Association in San Rafael, California. It was one of the biggest questions on everyone’s mind:

“What’s the best way to network?”

Before we examine the best method(s) to network and how to define networking, let’s identify the #1 biggest mistake people make when networking: The Hard Sell

Networking is not:

  1. Selling yourself, your products, or your services
  2. Not purging your 15-30 second elevator pitch
  3. “Working the Room” to gather as many business cards as possible in one session
  4. Soliciting advice from people you yet to know
  5. Begging for introductions to other people
  6. Turning off your ears and listening skills
  7. Monopolizing everyone’s time with your sales pitch
  8. Ignoring the networking organization’s message, niche, and membership
  9. Ignoring your homework to find out who you wish to meet at the meeting you plan to attend
  10. Asking for value before offering value yourself

Stay tuned next week when I define networking and identify the #1 Best Method to Networking.

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